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Lords debate HS2 heavy use of NDAs

Concerns over 300 Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) by HS2 railway line construction project has been debated in the House of Lords who say wide scale use of NDAs could be  ‘undermining public trust’ in infrastructure projects. NDAs are legal agreements that prevent the disclosure of commercial information by those who are signed up to them, but … Read more

Whistleblowing culture in central Government needs overhauling

The inquiry into bullying allegations by Home Secretary Priti Patel has led to much disquiet in Whitehall with questions raised about the state of whistleblowing culture within central Government.  The Home Secretary said she was not aware of allegations against her – this is troubling.  The report is unclear whether no one felt able to speak ... Read more

Misidentified whistleblowers – falling through the cracks

Whistleblowing serves a vital public function. It ensures that public interest wrongdoing in the workplace is called out, resolved and protects not only workers and employers but the public at large. Whistleblowers like Jonathan Taylor[1], Chris Day[2] and Clare Gilham[3] have helped expose issues of international corruption, poor patient care and failures in the justice ... Read more

‘To UK and other world authorities: what sort of example are you setting to would-be whistleblowers?’

UK national Jonathan Taylor blew the whistle in 2013 on a $275 million international network of bribes paid by his employers Monaco-based Dutch oil platform company SBM Offshore. His evidence was investigated by the UK Serious Fraud Office, investigators in Brazil and the Netherlands as well as the FBI and the US Department of Justice. … Read more

Law Commission back Protect proposals for Official Secrets Act reform

The Official Secrets Act (OSA) 1989  - used to protect government data from unauthorised disclosures by criminalising those that disclose such information without authority – has been a contentious law for many civil society groups, including Protect, who have long been calling for its reform. Protect has been calling for the introduction of a statutory ... Read more

Guest blog: Charity Sector Speak Up Network

The charity sector has seen a steady flow of incidents where it is likely that the outcomes could have been very different, and more constructive had there been a strong speak up culture within the organisations concerned. Key to this is charity trustees and senior managers proactively ‘listening up’ to concerns about wrongdoing and demonstrating ... Read more

Ellen DeGeneres Show staff latest to call out toxic workplace culture

Although strides have been made to put sexual harassment at work firmly on employers’ agendas, it must fatigue the advocates for workplace equality that it remains largely just that - an agenda item. The Ellen Degeneres Show scandal is the latest toxic workplace to showcase racism, bullying and sexual harassment. Three words which one would ... Read more

Whistleblower reveals maternity unit is still failing patients

The maternity unit at Basildon University Hospital has been ordered to carry out urgent improvements after a whistleblower anonymously raised serious concerns about patient safety to the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Protect Adviser Rhiannon Plimmer-Craig explores what this latest scandal says about the culture of the health sector, how whistleblowers are treated and why whistleblowers … Read more

Complaints Commissioner Report supports Protect’s recommendations

The Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner (an independent body responsible for reviewing the conduct of financial regulators in the UK) this month published a number of recommendations for regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), in response to a whistleblower’s complaint about the FCA’s approach to their disclosure and how they had been treated. Protect welcome the … Read more

Covid-19 exposing good and bad whistleblowing practice in the retail sector

Covid-19 is exposing good and bad practice when it comes to sectors who put employee welfare first and foremost. Unsurprisingly, retail is not leading the way, as highlighted by the quite shocking reports of working conditions of Boohoo suppliers in Leicester. As the UK’s whistleblowing charity, we advise workers from all sectors. At the start … Read more