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Whistleblowing in the workplace – the haves & have nots

Webinar: 29 June 5-6pm Non-Executive Directors, the self-employed, volunteers and job applicants are not protected by whistleblower protection – is it time to change? Join UK whistleblowing charity Protect in this latest webinar to debate why it is vital these groups who are key players in today’s workforce are protected by whistleblowing legislation. Protect will … Read more

Time to reform gagging clauses

Gagging clauses have become quite the talking point thanks partly due to the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the #MeToo era and countless other news stories exposing their misuse. Controversial debate around the use of gagging clauses, or NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) and financial settlements to conceal sexual assault and harassment has tarnished the image of NDAs … Read more

Protect welcomes New Whistleblowing Protection Bill

Protect welcomes the launch of Dr Whitford MP’s private members bill – Public Interest Disclosure (Protection) Bill as an important step towards reforming the legal protection for whistleblowers.  Protect Acting Chief Executive, Liz Gardiner, said, “We’ve been calling for legislative reform as today’s whistleblowing law is out of date, so we are delighted that Dr … Read more

Why legal aid for whistleblowers is needed now

Research around whistleblowing claims under whistle blowing law, the the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) being brought before the employment tribunals point to a worrying figure of a 3% success rate. Discrimination cases also fare as badly, with age discrimination cases being even lower at 1%. Overall, employment tribunal actions have a success rate … Read more

Protect’s draft Whistleblowing Bill will stop victimisation at source

Amjad Rihan raised concerns about his employer laundering money and was branded a troublemaker and dismissed. Howard Shaw raised concerns about the Met Police’s interview process and was removed from his unit and faced unfounded disciplinary action. Shahmir Sanni blew the whistle on Vote Leave’s campaign tactics and was outed as gay by Downing Street … Read more

Why it’s time to improve protections for whistleblowers

Once a ground-breaking law, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 which protects whistleblowers in the UK, and which has served as a benchmark for whistleblowing law, is being overtaken by newer, better and broader legislation, in Ireland and Australia, and the new EU Whistleblowing Directive which will be in operation by 2021. Unless the UK … Read more

Protect launch Whistleblowing Bill

Protect is launching a campaign for new legislation to make whistleblowing protection for people the best in the world. Protect Chief Executive, Francesca West, said, “For some time now, we’ve been calling on the Government to review and extend the current legislation – the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) 1998, which does not provide sufficient … Read more