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Protect welcomes moral pledge by Higher Education Minister to end NDAs in universities

Victims of sexual harassment in universities should no longer be silenced by Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), under a new pledge backed by the government, universities and campaigners. Six university vice-chancellors invited to attend the launch have signed up to a pledge promising not to use NDAs in dealing with complaints of sexual misconduct, bullying, and other … Read more

Local authorities up and down the UK owe it to their staff and residents to not repeat the gross mismanagement of Edinburgh Council  

Whistleblowing culture is so much more than having a policy. Reporting channels, speak up ambassadors and champions are all great to have in place.  But if there is no communication, no promotion of these channels, and most importantly - no management and Board buy in – they are effectively meaningless.  Protect has been championing whistleblowing for almost 30 years. We know the pitfalls and have seen the damage to individuals and ... Read more

New upcoming Masterclass: Handling sexual harassment & whistleblowing concerns in the workplace

Protect is running a new Masterclass: Handling sexual harassment & whistleblowing concerns in the workplace aimed at senior individuals including HR, Compliance, Legal and Audit roles who are responsible for internal arrangements and whistleblowing culture. The session will include an overview of sexual harassment in the workplace and rights and duties in equality law, as ... Read more

Whistleblowing on workplace sexual harassment

The #MeToo movement has undoubtedly given courage to many others to come forward and call out unwanted, unwelcome sexual harassment in the workplace. It has also shown the sheer scale of it. At work, employers have a duty of care or responsibility to look after the wellbeing of their employees. Under the Equality Act 2010, ... Read more

International Development Committee into sexual exploitation: 57% think aid organisation whistleblowing policies and practices inadequate

The recent report, Progress on tackling the sexual exploitation and abuse of aid beneficiaries, by the International Development Committee, has found abuse of beneficiaries to be rife with the aid sector and the last safe haven for perpetrators. The report also found that when victims or whistle-blowers try to report abuse, little meaningful action follows, ... Read more

Care workers help to stop abuse of vulnerable residents

Simon (not his real name) worked as a senior care assistant. He observed one of the nurses slap residents and, on one occasion, he saw the nurse put his hands around a resident’s neck and force them into their room. Simon could only hear a scream and some banging after this. Simon did not want to raise his concerns to the new manager because other employee’s concerns had been ignored and confidentiality breached.

We discussed Simon’s options and advised that he speak with the deputy manager in confidence. She took his concerns seriously and, soon after, other workers came forward with similar incidents that they had witnessed. The nurse was later convicted and sentenced to two years in prison.

Simon wrote to us some time later and said,

“Your advice and support were invaluable at this time… I never regretted my actions… [My colleagues and I] got through this ordeal by supporting each other and in the knowledge that we were doing the right thing.”

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