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Environmental Governance and Whistleblowing (This event took place on the 05/06/2024)

Join us on Wednesday 5 June, 8:30-10:00AM, for a breakfast briefing in partnership with Slaughter and May to hear from Philippa O’Malley, Partner Slaughter and May, Moira Thompson Oliver, Senior Counsel Slaughter and May and Sybille Raphael, Legal Director at Protect on how to adopt and embed robust whistleblowing arrangements as part of your environmental governance strategy.

Choosing to be charitable with knowledge – a call to action this Pro Bono Week

This Pro Bono Week Halima, a legal secondee from Baker McKenzie, shares her thoughts on the importance of pro bono work and that being charitable doesn’t always have to be financial, it can be the giving of time, expertise, or kindness. Protect is extremely grateful to all the organisations and individuals who dedicate their time, insight, skills and support for our charity.

Top five memorable moments from Protect’s 30th anniversary conference

Guest post from Georgia, trainee solicitor and legal adviser. As a very new member to the Protect team, the 30th anniversary conference on the 5th of October came at a perfect time, giving me a great introduction to the work of the charity and the opportunity to meet a whole host of journalists, lawyers, politicians ... Read more

Environmental Toolkit press release

Fear of reprisals and victimisation hold workers back from reporting damage to the environment.   Workers say they’d hold back from raising issues about environmental damage because of fear of reprisals, concerns about providing proof and worries their concern wouldn’t be dealt with properly.  Only a third (36%) of workers believe they can raise environmental … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/24 August

Lucy Letby Whistleblowing stops harm – but only when whistleblowers are heard. Could deaths have been avoided if concerns raised about Lucy Letby had been acted on sooner? This week Andrew Pepper-Parsons, Director of Policy at Protect, and Elizabeth Gardiner, CEO Protect, appeared on both Sky News and TalkTv. + Hospital bosses ignored months of … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/14 July

Reflecting on whistleblowing Sinead Farrelly: Whistleblowing, car accidents & a World Cup with a broken hand – BBC Sport Whistleblowing is rarely easy – Sinead Farrelly reflects on her experiences and life after speaking out.  BBC backlash  Huw Edwards was secretly investigated by BBC colleagues before scandal erupted ( Huw Edward’s wife speaks up and … Read more

Protect statement on Guardian story ‘Staff blow whistle on Environment Agency that ‘no longer deters polluters’

Head of Policy at Protect, Andrew Pepper-Parsons said:  “The report in today’s Guardian, 'Staff blow whistle on Environment Agency that 'no longer deters polluters' that Environment Agency cuts have left staff unable to do their jobs, and warned against speaking to the media by Environment Agency Chief Executive James Bevan, if accurate, is extremely concerning ... Read more

Blowing the whistle on environmental damage – what workers need to know

The COP26 climate talks and the actions surrounding the conference, have served as a stark reminder that drastic action must be taken now to prevent climate catastrophe. As António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, warned at the beginning of the COP26, “Either we stop it, or it stops us.” At Protect, we recognise ... Read more