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Legal challenge to give all job applicants vital whistleblowing legal protections

A case at the Court of Appeal is considering whether all external job applicants should have whistleblowing legal protection. Protect has filed a third-party intervention at the Court of Appeal to widen whistleblowing protection to all external job applicants. The charity was given permission to intervene because the case gives rise to important issues of public policy.

What is the cost to the taxpayer when whistleblowers are ignored

It is well documented that when whistleblowers are not listened to organisations can collapse, livelihoods can be lost, and people can lose their lives. There’s lots of research examining the treatment of whistleblowers when they try to speak up and what employers should do to be better. But what about the bigger cost to society – and in financial terms – the cost to all of us, the taxpayers, when things go wrong and the government has to step in and pick up the pieces?

Protect intervenes to stave off the removal of Injury to Feelings compensation

Action by the whistleblowing charity Protect has helped retain the ability for whistleblowers to get compensation for their non-financial losses. In the Employment Appeal Tribunal between Declan Durey and South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust there was a risk that the established “injury to feelings”* award for whistleblowers could have been dismantled.

Whistleblowing Payouts at Risk as Tribunal Considers Removal of Injury to Feelings Compensation

A type of compensation claim that has been enshrined in law for more than 20 years is under threat at a hearing taking place this week. In the Employment Appeal Tribunal between Declan Durey and South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust there is a risk that the established “Injury to Feelings” award for whistleblowers could be dismantled. Protect has been given permission to intervene in the case as it gives rise to important issues of public policy.

BBC Casualty – A whistleblowing storyline

A controversial documentary exposé, a staff member sharing secretly recorded footage, a witch hunt for the source of a leak, mis-directed disciplinary action and mis-identified whistleblowers. BBC Casualty’s Breaking Point storyline had it all, and Protect was there hand-in-hand with the script writers through the production process making sure their plots and ideas were realistic, while maintaining the power of drama.

Whistleblowing charity, Protect, advises BBC Casualty on whistleblowing storyline. 

The whistleblowing charity, Protect, is proud to have supported the BBC Casualty production team in understanding the practicalities of whistleblowing law for the drama’s most recent storyline “Breaking Point”. The multi-episode storyline features a controversial documentary exposé including secretly leaked recorded footage and an internal witch hunt for the whistleblower responsible.

Protect view on BBC Panorama – Midwives under Pressure

This is another damaging example of whistleblower concerns going unheard with devastating consequences. An effective speak up culture is essential for all organisations to catch problems before they escalate. This is all the more important in health settings where patient safety is at stake. But even more pressing is making sure there is an active listening culture to pick up concerns and ensure whistleblowers are recognised.

Protect’s Lucy Letby Statement

Protect’s Lucy Letby Statement:  Time to review how whistleblowing is dealt with in the NHS  Our thoughts are with the families whose lives have been torn apart by the despicable crimes of Lucy Letby. We welcome the Government’s inquiry so that improvements can be made to the system, including how concerns are raised and addressed. … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/03 August

The fight against gagging clauses   Abusing NDAs to silence whistleblowers benefits no one. The fight to reform the use of gagging clauses continues. (Campaign Live)   Whistleblower consequences  Yet again, we are faced with another story of whistleblowers being ignored. It is crucial to protect those who bravely speak up in order to create an … Read more