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Ignoring whistleblowers should never be acceptable – Protect responds to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

Reacting to the publication of the final report from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry today, Andrew Pepper-Parsons, the Director of Policy at whistleblowing charity Protect said: “We welcome the report’s recommendations for stronger regulation – but we must ensure that when people speak up to share critical concerns they are listened to and there is a duty on those in leadership positions to address the issues they raise.”

Press statement – Kings Speech: whistleblowing, employment rights and a duty of candour

Reacting to the Kings Speech today, Elizabeth Gardiner, Chief Executive of whistleblowing charity Protect said: “We welcome the introduction of a new #EmploymentRights bill, this is an opportunity for the government to fulfil its commitment to improve whistleblowers’ rights. Too many people in today’s workplace don’t have any protection if they speak up to stop harm.”

How whistleblowing can help your ESG strategy

No business is immune from ESG risks, if only because of consumer consciousness, staff pressure, regulators’ and investors’ expectations. How an organisation treats its people, how it impacts and influences its communities and its environment are questions that can’t be ignored anymore: businesses are being held accountable for their social and environmental footprints. 

Whistleblowing manifesto commitments

As momentum grows ahead of the General Election we’ve done the hard work – so you don’t have to – to pick out the major parties’ key policies and commitments relating to whistleblowing. While tax, the NHS, and immigration may have dominated the mainstream coverage, at Protect we have a laser-focus on what the parties are saying about whistleblowing and the promises they’re making.

Which whistleblowing measures survived the wash-up?

With political parties thrown into campaigning mode with the calling of a general election any outstanding Government announcements, policy decisions and most importantly, legislation going through Parliament, have been put on hold – many permanently. This blog provides a rundown of the whistleblowing law changes and policy decisions that have been delayed, cancelled or have survived the calling of the general election.  

Can civil servants ever blow the whistle to the press?

Josie decided to go to the media after a junior civil servant, Raphael Marshall, reached out to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee with evidence of Foreign Office failings. Feeling “humbled” that a junior colleague had been brave enough to speak out, Josie gave an anonymous interview and leaked emails to the BBC to corroborate what he had said. Like so many other whistleblowers, she paid a heavy price for speaking out

Could football be getting a new referee?

As football clubs continue to suffer at the hands of unscrupulous owners and poor governance the Government is proposing a new Regulator to protect the financial stability of the beautiful game. We believe a new body should have Prescribed Person status to give workers a mechanism to blow the whistle with confidence.