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UK introduces first anti-SLAPP law

As a member of the UK Anti-SLAPP Coalition we have been closely following the progress of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECB2) through Parliament. Now passed into law this is the first anti-SLAPP provision in UK law. While this is definitely a step in the right direction, there’s still much more that could and … Read more

News Round-Up/18 October

Protect’s Environmental Whistleblowing Toolkit  New research by Protect shows that concerns about being fired or victimised at work are preventing people from calling out their employers on the climate crisis and the wider environment. (The Guardian) + Our new toolkit launched at the beginning of October, providing practical help for people considering blowing the whistle on … Read more

Whistleblowing charity Protect supports Labour’s proposed clarification to whistleblowing protection

Whistleblowing charity Protect supports Labour’s proposed clarification to whistleblowing protection Elizabeth Gardiner, CEO of Protect, the UK’s whistleblowing charity said:  Protect would welcome clarification of the law.  We know, from talking to whistleblowers every day, that it is difficult for anyone to be certain whether they have the protection of whistleblowing law when it comes … Read more

Environmental Toolkit press release

Fear of reprisals and victimisation hold workers back from reporting damage to the environment.   Workers say they’d hold back from raising issues about environmental damage because of fear of reprisals, concerns about providing proof and worries their concern wouldn’t be dealt with properly.  Only a third (36%) of workers believe they can raise environmental … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/24 August

Lucy Letby Whistleblowing stops harm – but only when whistleblowers are heard. Could deaths have been avoided if concerns raised about Lucy Letby had been acted on sooner? This week Andrew Pepper-Parsons, Director of Policy at Protect, and Elizabeth Gardiner, CEO Protect, appeared on both Sky News and TalkTv. + Hospital bosses ignored months of … Read more

Protect’s Lucy Letby Statement

Protect’s Lucy Letby Statement:  Time to review how whistleblowing is dealt with in the NHS  Our thoughts are with the families whose lives have been torn apart by the despicable crimes of Lucy Letby. We welcome the Government’s inquiry so that improvements can be made to the system, including how concerns are raised and addressed. … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/03 August

The fight against gagging clauses   Abusing NDAs to silence whistleblowers benefits no one. The fight to reform the use of gagging clauses continues. (Campaign Live)   Whistleblower consequences  Yet again, we are faced with another story of whistleblowers being ignored. It is crucial to protect those who bravely speak up in order to create an … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/14 July

Reflecting on whistleblowing Sinead Farrelly: Whistleblowing, car accidents & a World Cup with a broken hand – BBC Sport Whistleblowing is rarely easy – Sinead Farrelly reflects on her experiences and life after speaking out.  BBC backlash  Huw Edwards was secretly investigated by BBC colleagues before scandal erupted ( Huw Edward’s wife speaks up and … Read more