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Environmental Governance and Whistleblowing (This event took place on the 05/06/2024)

Join us on Wednesday 5 June, 8:30-10:00AM, for a breakfast briefing in partnership with Slaughter and May to hear from Philippa O’Malley, Partner Slaughter and May, Moira Thompson Oliver, Senior Counsel Slaughter and May and Sybille Raphael, Legal Director at Protect on how to adopt and embed robust whistleblowing arrangements as part of your environmental governance strategy.

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/24 August

Lucy Letby Whistleblowing stops harm – but only when whistleblowers are heard. Could deaths have been avoided if concerns raised about Lucy Letby had been acted on sooner? This week Andrew Pepper-Parsons, Director of Policy at Protect, and Elizabeth Gardiner, CEO Protect, appeared on both Sky News and TalkTv. + Hospital bosses ignored months of … Read more

Bi-weekly News Round-Up/14 July

Reflecting on whistleblowing Sinead Farrelly: Whistleblowing, car accidents & a World Cup with a broken hand – BBC Sport Whistleblowing is rarely easy – Sinead Farrelly reflects on her experiences and life after speaking out.  BBC backlash  Huw Edwards was secretly investigated by BBC colleagues before scandal erupted ( Huw Edward’s wife speaks up and … Read more