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Food factory worker raises concerns over lack of COVID-19 safety measures

Katie (not her real name) was a manager in a food manufacturing factory. She had a number of health and safety practice concerns around COVID-19. While Katie’s employer had some safety measures in place, she was concerned that the factory had not been effectively cleaned and decontaminated, and several employees had tested positive for COVID-19 and were off work.

No senior personnel were on-site for Katie to raise her concerns with. As a result of her concerns and the stress they placed upon her, Katie left work and reached out to Protect for advice.

Protect outlined several options available to Katie. First, Katie could raise her concerns internally, by contacting senior management, or consulting the factory’s whistleblowing policy. In doing so, Katie could highlight her employer’s health and safety responsibilities, as outlined in the Health and Safety Executive’s guidance. Second, if Katie did not feel comfortable raising her concerns internally, she could report directly to the Health and Safety Executive. Finally, Protect outlined the possible protection Katie could receive under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.

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