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Understanding the Law – videos

Understanding the Law

Our advice webpages are full of legal and practical advice, so is our YouTube! Use these videos to help navigate your whistleblowing journey, supported by one of our expert legal advisors.

Whistleblowing: a practical guide

In this video, one of Protect’s senior legal advisers talks through what to consider when you are thinking of raising whistleblowing concerns, some practical dos and don’ts, and top tips to make you more likely to be protected by whistleblowing law.

Protected disclosures and whistleblowing

In this video, we explain what 'protected disclosures' are, why they are important and the legal tests a whistleblower needs to meet in order for their disclosure to be 'protected'.

43j: a protection against NDA's

In this video, we explain how section 43J of the Employment Rights Act 1996 may help protect whistleblowers and stop them from being silenced, even if they have signed an NDA.