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Template library

Below you will find some example templates for employees to download and adapt to your own situation and workplace. We have also provided the examples of how the templates can be used.

Raising a whistleblowing concern

You can use this template to help you write a letter to your employer raising your whistleblowing concerns. We have more detailed guidance about raising whistleblowing concerns here.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

Escalating a whistleblowing concern internally

You can use this template to help you escalate your whistleblowing concerns to a more senior manager if you already raised concerns internally and received no response or a negative response.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

Appealing a dismissal

You can use this template to help you write a letter to your employer if you have been dismissed from your job because of whistleblowing. You can find more information about being dismissed or forced out for raising your concerns here.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

Drafting a schedule of loss

You can use this template to help you prepare a schedule of loss for an Employment Tribunal claim. You can find more information about compensation and remedies in whistleblowing cases here.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

Amending an Employment Tribunal whistleblowing claim

After submitting your ET1 form, you may realise it is missing something or requires modification. You can us this template to help you amend your claim

Download the template (doc)

Requesting feedback

You can use this template to help you write a letter to your employer asking for feedback on whistleblowing concerns that you have raised. You can find more information about asking for feedback here.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

Reporting victimisation due to whistleblowing

You can use this template to help you write a letter to your employer reporting that you have been victimised for raising whistleblowing concerns. Find out more about what victimisation is here.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

Making an Employment Tribunal claim for whistleblowing

You can use this template to help you write a claim for whistleblowing unfair dismissal and/or detriment and ask for interim relief (question 8 of the tribunal form).

Do check the official guidance and the CAB website for more general advice on how to fill in the form.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of a completed ET1 form (doc)

Escalate a whistleblowing concern externally

You can use this template to help you escalate your whistleblowing concerns externally.

Download the template (doc)

Download an example of how to use this template (pdf)

What is whistleblowing?

Find out how we define whistleblowing, whether it differs from 'speaking up', when it is best to raise a grievance and more.

What we can help with:

What we can't help with:

  • As a legal advice service we offer free expert advice around whistleblowing protection
  • We listen and ask the right questions to get a clear picture on complex cases
  • Offer support and in some cases, referrals to pro bono lawyers in exceptional cases
  • Act as a respected and trusted legal ‘third party’ e.g. writing to a regulator or Government
  • Help highlight your whistleblowing concern in the media, if suitable
  • We are not general employment lawyers so cannot provide general employment law advice
  • We do not advocate at the Employment Tribunal, so we cannot represent you
  • We are not a regulatory body, so cannot investigate your whistleblowing concerns

Legal Message

Information communicated to us has lawyer-client privilege – this means all communications between us and people who contact us for advice cannot be disclosed without the permission of the individual who contacted us. Protect is a legal advice service and our solicitors are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales.

What is PIDA?

Learn more about the UK law that protects whistleblowers

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