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Stronger new laws for EU leaves UK whistleblowers behind

UK whistleblowers will be ‘Brexit casualties’ as the EU gets set to shake up whistleblowing bringing in ground-breaking legal measures protecting both public and private sectors. The EU move on introducing a whistleblowing Directive – set to be made into whistleblowing legislation and policy – follows years of campaigning by NGOs, trade unions and journalists … Read more

Protect welcomes new financial reporting council (FRC) governance code

Protect has welcomed a new UK Corporate Governance Code by the FRC which is hoped will strengthen whistleblowing in the workplace. Protect Chief Executive, Francesca West said, “We are pleased the FRC took on our board our recommendations as whistleblowing is vital for a transparent and accountable organisation.” Following consultation, the new shorter, sharper Code, … Read more

PCaW turns 25 and changes name to Protect

We turn 25 this year – in October – and mark our anniversary with a new look and name, changing from Public Concern at Work, to Protect. Protect Chief Executive Francesca West, said, “ We aim to protect workers’ rights, organisations’ reputations, and wider society, by encouraging safe and responsible whistleblowing. We believe that whistleblowing … Read more

What place does whistleblowing have in preventing clinical negligence?

What place does whistleblowing have in preventing clinical negligence? Earlier this year, the preventable deaths of more than 450 patients at Gosport Memorial Hospital sparked anger and public debate that echoed the infamous Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust scandal in 2008. These scandals can have damaging effects: on patients, their families, public confidence, the Trust’s reputation … Read more

Stronger new laws for EU leave UK whistleblowers behind

UK whistleblowers will be ‘Brexit casualties’ as the EU gets set to shake up whistleblowing bringing in ground-breaking legal measures protecting both public and private sectors. The EU move on introducing a whistleblowing Directive – set to be made into whistleblowing legislation and policy – follows years of campaigning by NGOs, trade unions and journalists … Read more

Protect attends European Whistleblowing Directive launch

For the last 20 years, the UK has had in place statutory employment protection for those raising whistleblowing concerns within the workplace – under the whistleblowing law, PIDA (Public Interest Disclosure Act). It is hard to imagine that before this, a worker speaking up in the public interest could not be guaranteed the support of … Read more

Protecting the truth: Safety for journalists and whistleblowers

PCaW were invited to attend an event in Brussels at the European Union Parliament to remember Maltese journalist and anti-corruption activitist Daphne Caruana Galizia who was murdered last year in a car bomb. The conference, ‘Protecting the truth: Safety for Journalists and Whistleblowers’  was organised by the European United Left/Nordic Green Left.  It was opened … Read more

CMA launch anti-cartel campaign backed by PCaW

PCaW is supporting a new anti-cartel crackdown launched by the UK’s competition authority, the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA). Cartels are businesses which cheat their customers by agreeing not to compete with each other so that they can keep their prices high.There are serious penalties for being in a cartel, but many workers in the … Read more