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Anti corruption 2

Blowing the Whistle on Corruption

From government offices to private businesses, corruption affects us all—citizens, employees, investors, and entire communities. It distorts decision-making, prioritises private gain over public good, and weakens the very structures that should protect and serve us.

Fighting corruption is not just the responsibility of governments or large organisations; it is a collective effort that requires the vigilance and courage of ordinary people. This is where whistleblowers play a crucial role. By exposing unethical practices and illegal activities, whistleblowers shine a light on corruption, helping hold wrongdoers accountable and prevent further harm. Their bravery in speaking out often comes at a personal cost, but their actions are vital in fostering transparency, integrity, and justice.

Our commitment to anti-corruption work is rooted in the belief that a fair and just society is one where corruption has no place. Through our anti-corruption work, we aim to support and protect whistleblowers, encourage ethical behaviour, and contribute to the global fight against corruption.

New hope for anti-corruption whistleblowers – fighting on a global scale

Government is asking the wrong questions when it comes to whistleblowing in the civil service.

Anti-SLAPPs and the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act: what's next?

Case Studies

Jóhannes Stefánsson

Jóhannes Stefánsson exposed his employer’s practice of paying bribes and corruption to officials in Namibia for illicit access to the country’s fishing resources. Several of these officials are now awaiting trial in Namibia, though no action has been taken by the Icelandic authorities. After multiple threats on his life, which Johannes believes came from the Namibian Secret Service and the South African mafia, he was forced to hire bodyguards for his personal safety. He also alleges that he was poisoned, after facing years of unexplained and debilitating health issues.

Jonathan Taylor

Jonathan Taylor alerted the authorities to large-scale, systematic corruption in the oil industry. His disclosures about SBM Offshore led to criminal prosecutions and multi-million dollar fines being levied in four countries. In October 2022, Jonathan Taylor welcomed the ruling of the Monaco appeal court, which “will give me back control over my life.” Here he tells his story of victimisation after blowing the whistle.

Finance worker speaks up over fake charges to clients.

Charity worker raises furlough fraud concerns.

Accountant speaks up over construction company’s financial malpractice.

Protect is the UK’s leading whistleblowing charity

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